
Hi there!

I’m Tomasz and I’m a Data Engineer working mostly on Google Cloud in an international company. I’ve created this site firstly to keep the reviews of the books I’ve read for future reference and also to share it with other people.

I choose to read books that I hope will provide me with methods and techniques to enhance my learning process. I’m also intrigued by how our brains function.

In my daily work, I must continually acquire new knowledge, and I’ve discovered that I learn best by doing. That’s why I often initiate projects, even when I may not possess all the necessary skills to complete them. However, during the process, I acquire many new skills, and this knowledge seems to stay with me for a longer.

But what’s in it for you, dear reader? I will create:

  • Review of books
  • Rankings of learning methods, hacks and tips for unlocking the brain power
  • And some technical stuff – projects with step-by-step description.

So welcome to my quest for learning! I hope you will find here what you’re seeking!

Let’s know each other better!

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